Posted on February 12, 2023Categories career management, ESGTags , , , ,   Leave a comment on Incorporating Sustainable Career Management in ESG.

Incorporating Sustainable Career Management in ESG.

Many are still wondering how can we incorporate sustainable career management in ESG. Sustainable career management involves taking a long-term approach to your work and making choices that not only benefit you in the short term but also have positive impacts on your future career growth and development. Here are 5 tips for practicing sustainable career management: Tips #1: Continuously improve your skills: Keeping your skills up-to-date and learning new ones will make you more competitive in the job market … Continue reading “Incorporating Sustainable Career Management in ESG.”

Posted on February 11, 2023February 11, 2023Categories career managementTags , ,   Leave a comment on Toward working better in an age-diverse workforce

Toward working better in an age-diverse workforce

As the workforce ages and the population grows older, it becomes increasingly important for employers to find ways to support and retain aging workers. Here are some initiatives that employers can implement to support aging talents: 1) Flexible work arrangements: Offer flexible schedules, telecommuting options, or job sharing to allow employees to balance work with their personal and family responsibilities as they age. 2) Training and development opportunities: Provide training and development opportunities to help employees stay current with new … Continue reading “Toward working better in an age-diverse workforce”

Posted on November 21, 2018May 23, 2021Categories career management, life, work-life balance   Leave a comment on Fulfillment in Life and Career Conversations

Fulfillment in Life and Career Conversations

Majority of my individual clients were/are within the working ages of between 23 to early 50’s where the majority comes from the 35 to 50 age bracket. More than half are male.  Some just wanted to get their CV reviewed, others are in need of interview prepping and some guidance in mapping our their careers. The others, wanted validation on their choices of career journey. And most, wanted to have someone to talk to them…. Have you ever felt “lost” … Continue reading “Fulfillment in Life and Career Conversations”

Posted on November 17, 2018May 23, 2021Categories branding, career management, personal brandingTags , ,   Leave a comment on Monetising Trust and Managing Your Coffee Stain

Monetising Trust and Managing Your Coffee Stain

Monetising Trust ni sebenarnya apa? Dan, pernah dengar “Coffee Stain” di dalam concept customer service? (Kalau tak lagi, sila tanya Abang Google.) Takpe, saya cerita sikit. Ini cerita benar. Cerita dari pagi tadi. Pagi tadi saya terima call dari seorang rakan yang baru dapat client. Client ni seorang fashion designer. Perjanjiannya ialah rakan ni akan menulis news mengenai fashion designer ni di dalam socmed dan juga news prints. Client dah bayar untuk kos service. (Ok, ini part monetising trust – … Continue reading “Monetising Trust and Managing Your Coffee Stain”

Posted on November 12, 2018May 23, 2021Categories career management, life, personal brandingTags , , ,   Leave a comment on 5 Tips Menggunakan LinkedIn Dengan Lebih Berkesan

5 Tips Menggunakan LinkedIn Dengan Lebih Berkesan

So, kita dah register dengan LinkedIn. Tengok menunya macam ok lah, senang nak navigate. Tapi, macam mana nak gunakan LinkedIn untuk menulis idea-idea kita? Kat bawah ni, saya tuliskan 5 tips untuk LinkedIn newbie: Sebelum kita request connection, karang sedikit ayat mengapa kita nak connect dengan orang tu. Contohnya – “Dear Hanie, I enjoyed reading your post on XYZ topic. May I request to connect with you?” Selepas dah connect tu, adab yang baik ialah untuk hantar ucapan terima kasih. … Continue reading “5 Tips Menggunakan LinkedIn Dengan Lebih Berkesan”

Posted on November 6, 2018May 23, 2021Categories career management, inspiration, lifeTags , ,   Leave a comment on How to Lose A Friend In 10 Minutes Or Less

How to Lose A Friend In 10 Minutes Or Less

Ever sit down with a friend who just started exploring coaching methodology and in a blink of an eye, you became the unwilling participant in the session, and you had to stop it before it gets to a damaging level? Build rapport Developing trust needs a lot of work and part of the work is to build rapport. Building rapport creates trust. And trust, is the basic foundation to a success conversations, and in my case, the career conversations I … Continue reading “How to Lose A Friend In 10 Minutes Or Less”