Saw this posted by my LinkedIn friend, Dr. Mahendhiran Nair. Very interesting correlation to life, indeed!
Fulfillment in Life and Career Conversations
Majority of my individual clients were/are within the working ages of between 23 to early 50’s where the majority comes from the 35 to 50 age bracket. More than half are male. Some just wanted to get their CV reviewed, others are in need of interview prepping and some guidance in mapping our their careers. The others, wanted validation on their choices of career journey. And most, wanted to have someone to talk to them…. Have you ever felt “lost” … Continue reading “Fulfillment in Life and Career Conversations”
5 Tips Menggunakan LinkedIn Dengan Lebih Berkesan
So, kita dah register dengan LinkedIn. Tengok menunya macam ok lah, senang nak navigate. Tapi, macam mana nak gunakan LinkedIn untuk menulis idea-idea kita? Kat bawah ni, saya tuliskan 5 tips untuk LinkedIn newbie: Sebelum kita request connection, karang sedikit ayat mengapa kita nak connect dengan orang tu. Contohnya – “Dear Hanie, I enjoyed reading your post on XYZ topic. May I request to connect with you?” Selepas dah connect tu, adab yang baik ialah untuk hantar ucapan terima kasih. … Continue reading “5 Tips Menggunakan LinkedIn Dengan Lebih Berkesan”
So You Want To Be A Social Media Influencer?
So, you want to be a social media influencer? Or you think you are one? What exactly are you influencing people with, anyway? Think about it.
How to Lose A Friend In 10 Minutes Or Less
Ever sit down with a friend who just started exploring coaching methodology and in a blink of an eye, you became the unwilling participant in the session, and you had to stop it before it gets to a damaging level? Build rapport Developing trust needs a lot of work and part of the work is to build rapport. Building rapport creates trust. And trust, is the basic foundation to a success conversations, and in my case, the career conversations I … Continue reading “How to Lose A Friend In 10 Minutes Or Less”
Work-life balance and why is yours and mine are not the same?
One of the key areas my client and I will sit down together is to walk through, in detail, their work-life balance sheet. What’s a conversation on work-life balance and career got to do with anything, you might ask? Everything. Whenever I sit with a 45 year old client, we would explore at how he would articulate his successes to surface up his sense of achievements, his legacy so to speak. And, try to see how this could be captured … Continue reading “Work-life balance and why is yours and mine are not the same?”