What Not to Write On Your LinkedIn Banner

Unhappy with your current employer and in search of new opportunities?

Change your LinkedIn headline to reflect what you are bringing to the table and what it means to others who want to hire you . It is a bit more of a title that you carry right now.

Do not write:

1) desperately looking for a job

2) you got a job for me?

3) exploring for new opportunities

4) kuli (coolie or a slave) —–>> God, yes I saw this a few days ago! 5) or no banner at all

This way, you are keeping the search in a professional way, seen as having work ethics and integrity. It also help your profile to look professional. Do not forget to update your profile!

Do not leave the banner empty as well. It is like opening up a shop and no signboard. It is also like a headline in newspaper. You read a certain content because of the headline, yes?

To your career success


Author: Hanie Razaif-Bohlender

Hanie is co-founder and General Manager of Dragonfire Corporate Solutions Sdn Bhd, a Kuala Lumpur-based management consulting firm, and Dragonfire Academy, a center for continuous adult learning. Hanie is widely known as “The Career Doctor” for her coaching roles with private clients in their quest to find clarity, happiness, and fulfilment during their career journey.

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